Master of Science in Crop Protection and Plant Biotechnology (SLQF 10)
Master of Crop Protection and Plant Biotechnology (SLQF 9)
Master of Science in Crop Protection and Plant Biotechnology is a full-time modular course conducted by the Department of Plant and Molecular Biology of the University of Kelaniya. This program has been designed to provide in-depth knowledge and appropriate skills in the field of crop protection and the application of molecular biological and biotechnological tools for the quality improvement of crops.
In addition to gaining knowledge and skills in molecular biology, plant biotechnology and crop protection, students will also have an opportunity to follow a business administration and entrepreneurship component to aid broadening of employability levels and expanding entrepreneurship opportunities in the fields of crop protection, agribusiness, and crop biotechnology. The course is enriched with professional development workshops.
Aim of the programme
The aim of the programme is to give an opportunity for the professionals of the fields of agribusiness, customs, food quality assurance, quarantine, food processing industries, pest and vector control and technical officers in the university/industry to improve their knowledge in modern biotechnological concepts, familiarize with the techniques and tools used in molecular biology, disease diagnosis and management and plant quality improvement. The programme also provides a stepping stone for the higher educational degrees.
Objectives of the programme
- develop human resource with necessary knowledge and skills on crop protection, disease diagnosis, molecular biological techniques and plant biotechnology for quality improvement,
- promote awareness of the modern biotechnological strategies for quality improvement and crop protection among decision makers and managers,
- prepare applied plant pathologists and geneticists for translational research and for the development of the country,
- encourage large scale entrepreneurs to use modern technology effectively for crop improvement and disease management, and
- bridge the gap for entering advanced research degrees.
Entry qualifications
- B.Sc. (Honours/Special) degree (SLQF 6) in Botany/Plant Science/Applied Science/Food Science/Molecular Biology & Plant Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Plant Biotechnology/Zoology/ Microbiology/ Chemistry (with biological science subjects),
- B.Sc. (Agric.)/ B.Sc. (Agricultural Technology and Management),
- B.Sc. (General) degree (SLQF 5) with Botany/Plant Science/Applied Sciences/Food Science/Molecular Biology & Plant Biotechnology /Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Microbiology/Food Science as a subject, or
- Any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the university.
Programme type: Onsite
Course Content: View
Payment structure:
2-years programme (with research) - Rs. 260,000
1-year programme (course work only) - Rs. 210,000
International students - USD 3,000
Instalment details:
Installment 1 - Rs. 120,000 (Should be paid before the commencement of semester I)
Installment 2 - Rs. 90,000 (Should be paid before the commencement of semester II)
Installment 3 - Rs. 50,000 (Should be paid before the commencement of year 2)
SLQF levels: Level 9 and 10
Next batch start date: March 2025
Help desk contact:
Dr. (Ms). H.M. Herath
Programme Coordinator
Senior Lecturer Gr I
Department of Plant & Molecular Biology
Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya
Tel: 0112903224, 0701902809
Email: harshiThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.