Guidelines for Postgraduate Programmes
Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF)
VPN Installation Guidelines
Durations of the Programs Offered under the Board of Study in Commerce and Business Management
Durations of the Programs Offered under the Board of Study in Social Sciences
Durations of the Programs Offered under the Board of Study in Science
Mechanism to Consider Students as First Timers
Recognized Degrees and Degree Awarding Institutes By UGC
A Guide to the APA 6th ed. Referencing Style
Authorship Guidelines
Mandatory attendance requirement for reviewers and supervisors for presentations
Appointment of an Additional-Reserve Examiner for MPhil & PhD Programmes (Including MPhil to PhD Upgrades)
Examiner Matrix for Higher Degree Programmes
Structure - MPhil & PhD Programs
Inclusion of Two Reviewers for MPhil/ PhD Proposal, Progress Presentations
Merit and Distinction Passes for SLQL 08, SLQL 09 and SLQL 10
Decide the maximum time duration for fallback options or exit points from the date of registration
Requirement completion before the thesis submission and exemption of requirements of MPhil/ PhD programs
Memo-Submission of the final thesis after the viva voce and resubmission of the draft thesis after the panel Board - 2023.12.21
Memo - Request approval for the alternation of the name for the Journal published by the Faculty of Graduate Studies
Memo - Conducting online examinations for students residing overseas and for other valid reasons
How to Apply for the exam
Make Payments