Closing Date: 2025/02/24
Examination Time table - Masters Degree Programs in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Amount to be completed for applying for the exam:
- 1st Timers - Relevant Course fee (Rs. 261,500)
- Repeaters/Re-Repeaters - Total Course fee + Renewal fee + 1500/= per paper
How to Apply for the exam: View Guideline
Course fee Payment Guideline: View Guideline
- Please note that you will not be able to apply for the exam or download the admission after the closing date.
- To avoid any issues, please complete your payments at least 2-3 days before the closingdate. If your payments are not completed, you will not be able to apply for the exam.
Please note the following information regarding the admission process:
* **First-time applicants**
can download their admissions from their student profile after applying for the exam.
* **Repeaters, re-repeaters, and students with medical or other reasons**
can obtain admission before the exam from Ms. Lakmali/Ms. Vinoshi.