Dear Esteemed DBA/ Ph. D Scholars/ Researchers,

We as the doctoral colloquium organizing committee of the International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI) 2020, are pleased to inform you that we are organizing a Doctoral Colloquium in line with the ICBI 2020. This is organized by the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. This doctoral colloquium provides you a platform to present your papers related to your doctoral thesis and thereby get feedback from esteemed scholars of your field. The types of papers that you can submit are,

  1. Papers with your pilot study or preliminary study data
  2. Conceptual papers and Literature review papers
  3. Empirical papers (if you are in your data analysis stage)

The greatest benefits of this event are that you can join with this forum from wherever you are in the world, as it is held via an online platform. Furthermore, you do not have to physically attend the conference and sacrifice your health and safety. Apart from that this valuable opportunity will provide you with the privilege of,

  1. a)Getting a publication done from your doctoral study prior to graduation irrespective of whether it is required from your university or not
  2. b)Getting feedback for your study from an expert in your field
  3. c)Getting comments and suggestions from other Ph. D scholars around the world who will be joining with us
  4. d)Participating for the conference from wherever you are

As such we kindly invite you to submit your papers for the Doctoral Colloquium of the ICBI – 2020 organized by the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, by 15th July 2020. For further details kindly refer the web site on

Should you need further clarifications, pls do not hesitate to contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Services rendered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) from 11th May 2020

The FGS has continuously carried out many of its services including online lectures (All Commerce postgraduate programs), Viva, progress presentations, MPhil to PhD upgrades and etc during the curfew time due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation. Along with the government regulations, the FGS has opened its office from 11th May 2020 and extended the services to all stake holders as follows;



Online Services


Face to Face Services

Request Type



Request Type



Submission of new applications (MPhil /PhD)

submit the soft copy (pdf version) through email along with the proposal, scanned copies of certificates, payment slip and etc


Submission of Final thesis after the Viva (MPhil/PhD/MCom programs)

Visit FGS office & submit the thesis only after prior appointment over the phone


Submission of new applications for other PG programs

Apply online from our website;





Request for registration extension (MPhil and PhD)

submit the soft copy (pdf version) through email along with your supervisor's recommendation (e-signature or email confirmation) as per the prescribed form





Submission of progress reports (MPhil /PhD and DBA)

submit the soft copy (pdf version) through email along with your supervisors recommendation (e-signature or email confirmation) as per the prescribed form





Submission of draft thesis for evaluation

submit the soft copy (pdf version) through email along with your supervisors recommendation (e-signature or email confirmation)





Making Payments

make payments online through following link;
For assistance call Sewwandhi on 0112903953
Or make the payments from Peoples bank (only through relevant FGS Voucher)





Submission of original payment slips

Keep the original slips with you for the moment. Make a photograph using your phone or scan the payment slip and email to; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For assistance call Assistant Bursar on 0112903538





Request for progress presentation and upgrade

submit the soft copy (pdf version) through email along with your supervisor's recommendation (e-signature or email confirmation) as per the prescribed form





Presenting Progress Presentation/Upgrade presentation/ Viva (MPhil/PhD/MCom)

The FGS/ Exam Branch will send you an online meeting link. By using the link you can do the presentation without coming to the University





Other inquiries regarding PG Programs

Contact the relevant program coordinator or FGS staff over the phone/email





For appointments;







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Senior Assistant Registrar


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Assistant Bursar


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FGS Programmer


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FGS Staff

0112903952/ 3

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Senior Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Graduate Studies

University of Kelaniya



The postgraduate programs in the Commerce and Business Management streams offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies has been moved to the online delivery platforms from 28th March 2020 due to the difficulties faced by the nation with the Covid 19 outbreak. Please contact your program coordinator for more information regarding the online delivery options and facilitation given to the respective students.


As per the directive received by the UGC, the University of Kelaniya will be closed for a period of two weeks from Saturday, 14th of March 2020 for all postgraduate programmes (including exams/viva/presentations) as a precautionary measure against coronavirus of COVID-19.



To all Postgraduate Students,

The lectures and examinations of all postgraduate programmes will not be held on 29th February 2020 and 1st March 2020, due to an unavoidable circumstance.

I regret for the inconvenience caused in this connection.


Senior Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Graduate Studies.



සියළුම පශ්චාද් උපාධි විද්‍යාර්ථීන් වෙත දැනුම්දීමයි.

2020.02.29 සහ 2020.03.01 යන දෙදින පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතව තිබූ සියළුම පශ්චාද් උපාධි දේශන හා විභාග කටයුතු, නොවැලැක්විය හැකි හේතුවක් මත නොපැවැත්වෙන බව කාරුණිකව දන්වමි.

මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඔබට සිදුවන අපහසුතාවය පිළිබඳව කණගාටුව ප‍්‍රකාශ කරමි.

ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ සහකාර ලේඛකාධිකාරී
පශ්චාද් උපාධි අධ්‍යයන පීඨය


Contact us

Faculty of Graduate Studies

University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya 11600,

Sri Lanka

+94 (0112) 903 952

+94 (0112) 903 953

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